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Sabtu, 18 September 2010

become of us

Every day, we have a mistake. Whether willful or do not.
A Mistakes can in the form by the acts and verbal.
Because, a mistakes, in our mind and hearts, there is feel formed.
Feel the will transform to become the time bomb counting down and ready to burst awfully its if mistake which have to do is not improve;repaired of it at all.
Become a choice for us, improve;repairing mistake carefully or run and forget it.


Why having to we feel to fail before battling

This feeling [is] a more regular experienced of by personal us [is] challenge moment reside in before us. Existing challenge differ between one people with its others. Become A LOOSER ! Is precisely addressed to people - one who have feeling to be like that

Because, each;every human being supplied by the ability and excess by OF GOD. Both the things even also differ among one people with its others which is in fact can be optimal and get the maximal result if our x'self know it and can use it correct moment

But, majority, more amount surendering first before experiencing existing challenge. Some example of challenge making people BECOME A LOOSER :
1. CARRIER Promotion
2. Showed to become the Leader
3. Showed for the Presentation Of
4. To facing Nuptials
5. And other Matter all day long

We have to correctness - real correct know more circumstantial ability and excess which we own so that, feeling become to fail A LOOSER WIIL BE LOST.
For the mentioned needing of :
1. personal X'Self evaluation
2. Day by day review of excess and insuffiency which we conduct day
3. Consultancy with the people closest
4. and learn the items of personality and somebody autobiography ( successful figure) to hearten the change
5. Following Motivate Practice


Sabtu, 11 September 2010


Love, blinded a result of it sometimes.
The man who love a woman, so also on the contrary, make a hurts from the kiss. Ability a love hesitated sometimes on the happiness building.
The case, ego abundant always people using not in principal loving each other.
We feel it, we experience of loving, yielding tear.
How can we manage an ego ?
At all of people have an ego. But, if we won't a negative result, be positive thinking and be patient accustoming. It affects to make how a couple understand what we want it.
Responsible what we said, because, a person have a positive value from what it said and what we do.
Consistency, depending on Happines building of a couple want. Conceiving our couple is an angel accepting better circumstance each other.

4 abut kids

Meneropong perilaku anak, merupakan sebuah hal yang cukup berat. Apalagi dia sedang dalam tahap tumbuh kembang. Kita sebagai orang tua dituntut (dengan keikhlasan tentunya-pen) harus mampu memonitor tiap - tiap tingkatannya.
Yang harus benar - benar disadari adalah kemampuan kita dalam menciptakan lingkungan yang kondusif. Sebuah situasi dan kondisi dimana dia selalu merasa dalam dekapan kehangatan orang tuanya.
Hal - Hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah :

1. Ketenangan kita dalam menghadapi "si anak" yang rewel. Jangan pernah memperlihatkan kemumetan kita atau dalam artian kita pusing dibuatnya.
2. Intonasi perkataan kita yang merupakan cerminan kasih sayang kita. Tidak membentak ataupun dengan nada tinggi
3. Setiap langkah, sikap, tingkah laku "si anak" kita anggap merupakan ekspresi perkembangan syaraf otorik dan kejiwaannya. jangan pernah terbersit didalam benak kita bahwa "dia" nakal, over acting ataupun menjengkelkan.
4. Selalu berfikir positif.

Perceiving of growth of child, representing a matter which enough heavily. And surely he/she is in phase grow the flower. We are as a old claimed ( with the candidness perhaps) have to able to monitoring every step of leveling.
Which is, it must correctness - realized by real correction our ability in creating environment which profiting . A situation and condition where he/she always feel in gentle hug warm feeling its parent.
The Matter which must be paid attention is :

1. Our calmness in face of " the child naughty" . Don'T have showed our bewildering, confused making of the meanings.
2. Intonation of us Word representing our affection reflection. Not snap at and or with the high tone
3. Each;Every step, attitude, behaviour " the child" we assume to represent the expression of growth of nerve otorik and psychological [his/its]. don't have terbersit in our marrow that " he/she are" naughty, over acting and or annoy
4. Always positive thinking

Social Product

Sebagai seseorang anggota komunitas sosial, secara personal, kita secara perlahan namun massif terpengaruh oleh pola pemikiran dan prilaku yang berkembang di komunitas tersebut.
Pembawaan, tata bicara, gerak gerik menjadi sebuah kebiasan dan sangat mudah untuk dikenali. Point tersebut sebagai identitas sosial.
Sebut saja gaya bicara. Contah kasus bila kita mengikuti milis terbesar di Indonesia, Kaskus, rata - rata untuk menyapa orang lain baik dalam Lounge maupun Jual Beli -biasanya- selalu dimulai dengan "Gan, Agan".
Pada akhirnya, indetitas diri kita melebur kedalam identitas kelompok dan mau tak mau tanpa kita sadari pembawaan kita menjadi pembawaan sosial.


As social community member somebody, by personal, we slowly but massif affected by pattern of opinion and activity expanding [in] the community.
Born in, arrange the talking, move the activity become a diffraction and very easy to be recognized the. Point mentioned as [by] a social identity.
just Mention [of] style speak the. Contah Case [of] if/when we follow the biggest milis in Indonesia, Kaskus, flatten - flatten to what good others in Lounge and also Sales - usually- [is] always started by " Gan, Agan".
In the end, our indetitas x'self [is] molten into group identity and will do not willing to without we realize our born in become the social born in.

Image In Virtual Channel

Dunia Virtual semakin menggurita. Merembes ke setiap sendi - sendi kehidupan komunitas sosial. Tidak lagi berbatas.
Kita, sebagai salah satu anggota komunitas sosial, setidaknya, harus selalu update perkembangan sosial media yang menjadi media penghantar pesan terkini.
Dari Jakarta ke Surabaya, New York hingga New Delhi, dicapai hanya dalam per sekian detik.
Dalam hitungan detik, bisa saja ratusan, ribuan hingga jutaan orang melihat profil kita, menyaksikan keseharian, memantau kehidupan.
Namun, sepersekian detik juga, Diri Kita bisa saja terberangus dan terancam.
Untuk itu diperlukannya kesiapan dari segala sisi, agar performance kehidupan kita menjadi terjaga dalam pencitraan yang positif.

World Virtual moving progressively. Porosity to each;every joint - social community life joint. Shall no longger have boundary.
We are, as one of social community member, at least, have to always update the social growth of media becoming conductor media order nowadays.
From Jakarta to Surabaya, New York till New Delhi, reached only in per so much second.
In second quantification, might possibly hundreds of, thousands of till millions of people see our profile, witnessing all day long, watching our life.
But, a second also, Our X'Self might possibly be muzzled and threatened.
For that needing of readiness of from all side, our life performance become awaked in image which are positive.

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